Dice Parody


I am sure that all the Dice lovers have noticed that since last week Dice game speed has been slowed down on API bots. Which is not a good thing for us as gamblers. We tend to play our strategy on DiceBot with fine speed before and now it just too damn slow. I have a good internet speed with a fast running computer and it is not the device fault running slow Dice bets.

In today's casino world many introduced Flash bets and Lightning bets whatever it is called but look at where we stand in the game. I feel very sad about how things are going on here.

Also reported the issue many times but whoever handles the forums have been deleting the posts based on Dice betting speed issues. But this time i will capture the post screenshot and go ahead to post it on bitcointalk.org forum and share my experience here in Stake.com about how we get treated for reporting such issues.

If you do care about the users please listen to us and solve our problems rather just ignoring and filling own pockets.. Thank you!

Kind Regards,

Loyal User.