What is Temu Chinese companys Super Bowl commercial goes viral for annoying jingle

Are you shopping like a billionaire? If you're buying clothing brands like Gucci, Louis Vuitton, or Versace, the answer is probably yes. If you're buying $9.99 dre ses off Temu, the answer is probably no.Anyone watching Super Bowl 58 probably heard a different me sage ... several times. It's not cheap to run a Super Bowl ad, but Temu ran three ads during regulation of the biggest game in North American Brett Ritchie Women Jersey sports.For some, it was likely the introduction to Temu, and even still, the ad left little clarity outside of having an annoying jingle that likely did not win over many viewers from the game.What exactly is Temu? Here's what you need to know.MORE: Temu is an online marketplace that centers itself around selling products at absurdly low rates. It describes itself as "an e-commerce company that connects consumers with millions of merchandise partners, manufacturers, and brands with the mi sion to empower them to live their best lives."The company describes itself as being founded in Boston in 2022. It is owned by PDD Holdings Inc., a Chinese retailer that also owns Pinduoduo, another Erik Condra Jersey e-commerce site based in China. Temu's prices are low because it largely sells products directly from Chinese vendors to American customers rather than using United States-based warehouses.Temu ran a Super Bowl ad in 2023 and launched to the top of Apple's app store. It garnered endorsements from Jason Derulo and JuJu Smith-Schuster and had ma sive ad campaigns on TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat, .Through the largest stage po sible, we want to share with our consumers that they can shop with a sense of freedom because of the price we offer, .MORE: There's plenty of controversy surrounding the company. Better Busine s Bureau said there have been over 3,000 complaints from customers over the past three years. It gives Temu a C+ rating and customers give it a 2.5-star review (out of five).Among frequent complaints are that the products are low quality or not delivered at all, and that the customer service is considered to be unresponsive.On Nov. 3, 2023, a cla s-action lawsuit was filed against Temu claiming the company violates customer privacy rights by collecting data and using "deceptive" and "unscrupulous" practices to get to user data, . The plaintiffs in the case allege Temu " Dino Ciccarelli Kids Jersey is purposefully and intentionally loaded with tools to execute virulent and dangerous malware and spyware activities on user devices," concluding "Temu misled people about how it uses their data."There is no telling exactly how much Temu spent on Super Bowl ads, but it's not too hard to get close to the number.Temu aired three ads during regulation of the Super Bowl. A 30-second ad costs $7 million. That would be $21 million. There was one additional ad that aired during overtime, which could cost slightly le s given it was after the window the game expected to be played. However, if it was still at the full cost, CBS would have tacked on another $7 million, bringing the total receipt for Temu's spending up to $28 million. Now that's shopping like a Devin Shore Jersey billionaire.It wasn't just ads Temu spent on the Super Bowl. Temu gave away $5 million in coupons before the Super Bowl and planned to give away $10 million more the day of the game.Overall, Temu's ads were not exactly considered to be a hit among the ma ses, many of whom were shocked to see so many ads from the company to begin with.HOW IS TEMU AFFORDING THIS MANY ADS @lenlizivy.bsky.social (@soshimshi) sir, a third temu ad has hit the super bowl jacky (@JackWilliamRtF) Temus marketing manager after buying 3 ads during the Super Bowl Trung Phan (@TrungTPhan) temu paying for a superbowl ad when everything they sell costs $1 tells me that they are doing labor violations that makes the triangle shirtwaist fire look Antoine Roussel Jersey like osha zo (@zoenone0none) they play the "ooh ooh temu!" song at the gates of hell jarvis johnson (@jarvis) Temu used yalls credit card info to buy two Super Bowl ads Tay *redacted* (@tayredacted) Me to whoever approved 3 Temu commercials in the superbowl Brandon (@kysbrandon666)