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Balanset-1A Sale: Your Ideal Tool for Balancing and Vibration Analysis


Device Description:
Balanset-1A is a dual-channel device for balancing and vibration analysis, ideal for balancing rotors such as crushers, fans, grain harvester choppers, shafts, centrifuges, turbines, and more.


Vibrometer Mode:
Tachometer: Accurately measures rotation speed (RPM).
Phase: Determines the phase angle of vibration signals for precise analysis.
1x Vibration: Measures and analyzes the main frequency component.
FFT Spectrum: Provides a detailed view of the vibration signal frequency spectrum.
Overall Vibration: Measures and monitors overall vibration levels.
Measurement Log: Saves measurement data for analysis.

Balancing Mode:
Single-Plane Balancing: Balances rotors in a single plane to reduce vibration.
Two-Plane Balancing: Balances rotors in two planes for dynamic balancing.
Polar Diagram: Visualizes imbalance on a polar diagram for precise weight placement.
Last Session Recovery: Allows resuming the previous balancing session for convenience.
Tolerance Calculator (ISO 1940): Calculates allowable imbalance values according to ISO 1940 standards.
Grinding Wheel Balancing: Uses three correction weights to eliminate imbalance.

Diagrams and Graphs:
General Graphs: Visualization of overall vibration.
1x Graphs: Display of main frequency vibration patterns.
Harmonic Graphs: Show the impact of harmonic frequencies.
Spectral Graphs: Graphical representation of the frequency spectrum for in-depth analysis.

Additional Features:
Archiving: Storage and access to previous balancing sessions.
Reports: Generation of detailed reports on balancing results.
Rebalancing: Easily repeat the balancing process using saved data.
Serial Production Balancing: Suitable for balancing rotors in serial production.
Imperial and Metric System Options: Provides compatibility and convenience worldwide.


Package Includes:
Measurement unit
Two vibration sensors
Optical sensor (laser tachometer) with magnetic stand
Software (laptop not included, available as an additional order)
Plastic carrying case

Order Balanset-1A today and ensure precise balancing of your rotors!
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